After the series has ended, Bible and Build were featured in several magazines. You can find them all down below, in chronogical order. Each of them has an interview linked with the photoshoot, just click on the image of each magazine to be rederected to it. |
I N D E X : |
2 O 2 2 | |
━━ J U N E– STARBOX ➥interview |
━━ J U L Y– JOURNEY ➥interview |
━━ A U G U S T– DELING ➥interview |
– VIEW ➥interview |
━━ S E P T E M B E R– SO COOL ➥interview |
– UNIQUE ➥interview |
– PAUSE ➥interview |
– YOURS ➥interview |
━━ O C T O B E R– LOADING U ➥interview |
━━ N O V E M B E R– ELLE ➥interview |
2 O 2 3 | |
━━ J A N U A R Y– BAZAAR ➥interview |
made with ♥ by berrie